Bands or Individual Musicians for gig
I'm a uni student studying Illustration at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham and running a fundraising event at The Plough in Farnham on Thursday 17 March 2016 from 8pm to midnight. I'm looking for musicians to do a set of 10-20 minutes (possibly longer) - we can afford to pay a small amount *but* as a student at a creative arts uni with everything from illustration, graphic design, animation, film and all in between we may be able to do a 'you scratch our back, we'll scratch yours' deal in terms of being able to help you with artwork/promotional work for your band.
Please give me a shout asap if you're interested. My number is 07860 387188
Age: Various ages
Standard: Intermediate
Views: 1142
User: ainwards
Posted: 07-Mar-16
Area: Farnham
Age: Various ages
Standard: Intermediate
Views: 1142
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