Bass player Needed

looking for an experienced bass player Oxfordshire, Warwickshire,Glous,
17 -29 4 years playing BV's Own bass,amp. finished recording 4 tracks Robertson's have the album finished in 6 weeks- tour starting after Christmas. John worked, Morcheeba, Joss Stone, Grace Jones,, Plan B, Rihanna.Recorded- Nick Southwood (Sony Bmg.)
mixing electronic and old school /new synths, old piano's, guitars. new computer technology/old broken amps)
Gorillas. The Foals Jeff Beck . Garry Clark JNR. Jack White.., C2C. Jungle .someone able to commit to a intensive schedule -just left school & having a year out? before UNI this is ideal for you/ just slip into a serious project,...

Age: Various ages

Standard: Advanced

Views: 1627

User: Blackwell.Manage

Area: Oxford

Age: Various ages

Standard: Advanced

Views: 1627

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