busy covers band need a drummer
Eight Foot Yeti are looking for a new drummer ours is moving away for work.
Our set list can be found on http://eightfootyeti.co.uk/Setlist.html
We are a five piece covers band with plenty of paying gigs booked.
We have a free rehearsal space in Gosport (PO13 0FQ).
The Money is just split five ways. No ego's we have a lot of laughs doing it but try to get the music as right as we can.
I think that's the bones of it. if it's something you might be interested in give me shout either email eightfootyeti@virginmedia.com or ring or text 07941 924111. Many Thanks Daniel.
Age: 35-44
Standard: Intermediate
Views: 1272
User: Eight Foot Yeti
Posted: 16-Mar-16
Area: Gosport, Lee-On-The-Solent
Age: 35-44
Standard: Intermediate
Views: 1272
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