looking for a committed drummer with a reasonable amount of experience. We're a grunge/punk band from the Halifax/Leeds area. Our influences include Drenge, Ramones, clash, wytches, baby strange, the Orwells, nirvana and wet nuns. We've played a few gigs already, and have attracted attention from people who work for rough trade. We have notable connections with people who work in the music industry. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and soundcloud. https://m.soundcloud.com/bloodshake-700709389/sets/live-in-fear?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=facebook
Please get in touch if your interested.
Email: Bloodshakeband@hotmail.com

Age: 16-24

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1005

User: bloodshake

Area: Halifax

Age: 16-24

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1005

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