Drummer wanted for covers band

We are a 6 piece rock / pop covers band, featuring 2 female vocal harmonies, with gigs imminent and need a permanent drummer ! We are a friendly bunch, no big ego`s and will welcome any serious enquiry. Somebody easy going, willing to rehearse 2 weeks out of 3 and play 1-2 gigs a month, would be perfect. We are based in Glastonbury and rehearse at Burtle ( on the levels ) our ages range from mid 30`s upward, so would welcome anyone interested. Set list etc. available on request.
Give us a call Terry, 07971 232948

Age: Various ages

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1234

User: wassonwee

Area: Glastonbury

Age: Various ages

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1234

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