Female Drummer wanted punk/riot grrl

We are looking for a badass female drummer to join our all girl punk/riot grrl band. We like our music loud and offensive. We have vocals/bass/lead guitar sorted. Lyrics and material are currently being worked on. we have grotty vocals, fast bass and raw guitar.We wanna have fun, play gigs and have a laugh. If that sounds like something youd be in to , hit us up and we'll grab a coffee or a beer and have a chat. :)
he Distillers, Jack off Jill, Babes in Toyland, Hole, Joan Jett, The Runaways, The misfits

Age: 25-34

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1284

User: Ruckus

Area: Brighton

Age: 25-34

Standard: Intermediate

Views: 1284

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