Musicians Wanted
I’m a singer-songwriter, recently launched as The Bearing with three recorded tracks:
I’m looking for…
- a drummer, bass guitarist, guitarist and keyboard player
- competent musicians in their late 20s to 40s who have FUN when they rehearse but also take music and gigging seriously
- commitment to rehearsing one evening a week in London, with extra rehearsals as needed before gigs etc. You won’t be paid for rehearsals (I’ll cover room hire), and of course we’d share the money coming from gigs.
If this sounds like you, please get in touch by emailing me at
Thanks for reading, hope to be meeting you soon!
All the best, alise
Age: 25-34
Standard: Advanced
Views: 930
User: TheBearing
Posted: 28-Feb-16
Area: London
Age: 25-34
Standard: Advanced
Views: 930
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