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Active posts by epicosmijadie

Singer wanted for rock/metal cover band

needing a singer that would be able to come to practice and play a few gigs and when the band is comfortable start to make our own songs go to studios and record a few thin ...

Bassist needed for rock/metal cover band

need a serious bassist that can come to practice do a few gigs and when we all feel good enough about our talents start making our own songs and and go to studios and recor ...

Serious drummer and guitarist available

2 male drummer and guitarist available. Funny and outgoing people. Have done a few gigs before, looking to create a band that is serious in making it in the music industry. ...

Singer wanted for various genres

Singer wanted for a start up band in Castleford area. Won't be until the new year! If you are just starting up this would be a good opportunity must be flexible and av ...

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