Riot 77

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Active posts by riot77

Lead guitarist for clash covers band

we are riot 77 and we are looking for an experience lead guitarist. We are a 'Clash' inspire band, playing mainly Clash numbers, Ramones and Sex Pistols. we are a ...

Experience lead guitarist

Experienced and fast learning Lead Guitar for Riot 77 - Punk band inspired by the clash, We play the Clash, Pistols and ramones. Best if you are passionate about the clash ...

Lead & Bass Guitar for Riot 77 - Punk

Riot 77 - require a lead guitarist and bass guitar. We are a punk band inspired by the clash. Best if you are passionate about the Clash and know their music. We are not a ...

Vocalist/rhythm guitar - RIOT 77 - punk

Riot 77 - require a lead vocalist/rhythm guitar. We are a punk style band inspired by the clash. We need a front man to belt out the lyrics and play rhythm guitar. Best if ...

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