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Active posts by douglas

Experienced lead guitarist looking for band

Guitarist looking for a band. I'm open minded on material but prefer rock. I can do harmony vocals and main vocals if required. Apply with in.

Lead guitarist

Experienced guitarist looking for a working band, playing pubs,clubs,etc. I'm open minded on material,and can do harmony, and some main vocals if required. I have good ...

Bass player/drummer/ band

GUITARIST/VOCALIST. looking for a bass player and drummer, or band, to play 70s rock music. Influences are................................................................. ...


I am a experienced Guitarist/vocalist looking for a bass player and drummer in a view to forming a Rock'n'Roll band, working clubs and pubs. Contact Paul.

Drummer wanted for free/bad company tribute band

Experienced guitarist,Bass player, and vocalist, require an experienced drummer, with a view to forming a FREE/BAD COMPANY tribute band, could also do some Zepp! Demo of bo ...

Free/badcompany tribute

Experienced Guitarist, looking for a vocalist/drummer, and bass player, with a view to forming a FREE/BAD COMPANY tribute band, must have experience and good stage presenc ...

Guitarist/vocalist .

GUITARIST/VOCALIST Guitarist/Vocalist, on the lookout for a bass player and drummer, keys would be nice! to form a power trio, with a view to work regularly in pubs clubs ...


GUITARIST/VOCALIST Guitarist/Vocalist, on the lookout for a bass player and drummer, keys would be nice! to form a power trio, with a view to work regularly in pubs clubs ...


Guitarist/Vocalist, on the lookout for a bass player and drummer, keys would be nice! to form a power trio, with a view to work regularly in pubs clubs etc. I am a mature, ...

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